August 15, 2013

Teacher Week: Taming the WILD {Classroom Management}

Managing behavior in the classroom can be challenging at times. I like to cover ALL my bases from the very first week. I have several practices or systems in place I use to manage individual behavior, small group behavior, and our behavior as a class. I'll explain each below.
 For the past 2 years, I have used a clip chart in my classroom for managing individual student behavior. I implement it starting day 1.  I think it is SUPER important to explain and identify your classroom expectations and rules right away. This promotes consistency and lets the students know what they are held accountable for from the beginning.
This summer I revamped my clip chart. 
 Old to new!
 Each day, students begin on "Ready to Learn". Students move their clip down when a rule is broken. They receive a consequence depending on the rule broken. Behavior is communicated with the parent by a communication log that goes home in a daily folder for the parent to check and sign. Students will start over on "Ready to Learn" the next day. {If students continue to exhibit poor behavior, they may be asked to move their clip multiple times in one day}.
The same goes for positive behavior. If a student is seen doing something good in the classroom, they will be asked to move their clip up. Positive behavior is rewarded daily with a "ticket system". If you would like to read more about how this works, visit the post {HERE}.
I also have the system for sale in my TpT store in 2 different versions.
In my room, I group students in tables of 6-8 desks. Each table works together to earn "table points". I keep track of table points on the whiteboard. Students who are seated at the same table can earn points when transitioning to or from a task, working quietly, helping others at their table, etc. When a table earns 10 points, I reward them. Normally it is with candy from the candy jar but on occasions, they may receive a special snack during snack time. Some take this VERY serious (they must be of competitive nature) and others don't, hence why they have to work together!
 At times, it can be challenging to get 22 six and seven year olds to cooperate and ALL follow the rules at the SAME time. This seems to be most true when in hallways! I challenge my firsties to always do their best and when they do, they will be recognized. For example, if we receive a compliment from someone in the building when walking down the hall or when we are the quietest lining up in P.E. When this happens I give them a "brownie point".

Once they have filled up the cookie sheet with brownies (ironic, I know) we vote on a class reward. In the past my students have chosen extra recess, popcorn party, class PJ day, movie day, etc. When they have filled up the tray twice, their reward is to bring their electronics from home and they can be "techies" all afternoon.
It's great to see them encouraging their classmates and this is why I love having a class reward system!
Can't wait to hear some new and fresh management ideas over at Blog Hoppin'. Go link up with Teacher Week!


  1. Super cute! I love the owly clip chart. I think I would be guilty of not moving the clips, though... that's why I've been hesitant to use one of those! I do use table tickets, though. :)

    Lindsey at Forever First Grade

  2. Thanks for sharing. I love your new chart.

    The Very Busy Classroom

  3. Love the brownie points idea! Adorable!

    :) Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies
